I’ve had a number of lovely comments & further questions on my #3 blog [Awakening to a Higher Consciousness]. I cannot answer them all in detail, hence this follow up post that, hopefully, will provide further clarity and stimulation 🙂 . All of what I state below, comes from a discourse with Ascended Master St Germain:
“Consciousness, in its entirety, registers most of what is going on in any moment though one may have recall, at a conscious level, of very little – especially under stress of any kind, or even under optimal conditions. So we go through a lot, but we register little. So that a majority of events, moment to moment throughout life, are experienced in a largely “unconscious” manner.
You know a bit of it – most of it you are not really paying attention to. It’s recorded, but you don’t necessarily have access to that recall. Hypnosis can get you there, patience can get you there, associative processes can get you there, but it is not immediately available and in some people it’s just well-hidden and you’ve got to work really hard to get it. But hypnosis shows that at least some of those dark experiences can be recalled under conducive conditions or even triggered into memory by adverse conditions. So the information you need to properly integrate ALL your experiences, in the fullest way possible, is inside of you. You have it, it is not out there anywhere. The challenge is getting at it – cleanly and clearly, so that you can deal with it.
The way in is, surprisingly, through the Self. Most people are running away from these things – especially if the feelings are not happy ones. That means that the feelings are in control. But the feelings are nevertheless a doorway into the Inner Truth. Running away means that the feeling are running the show and you are merely observing (and experiencing) that by being aware of them. Irrespective of whether they are happy or unhappy feelings. But feelings are just the beginning – it is just a doorway and not the answer. This is because feelings does not exist in a vacuum. They exist within a context. Feelings are part of a context that lives together with thoughts.
What drives what? Does the feeling drive the thought or the thought the feeling, or do they drive each other? In this case, can you drive yourself mad by focusing on the wrong feelings attached to thought – the answer is YES! But conversely, you can drive yourself un-mad by focusing on the correct feelings with appropriate thoughts attached to that. Thoughts and feeling are never separate. You very seldom have a feeling so intense that there is no thought attached to it, or a thought that is so clean/clear that has no emotion to it. They almost always come as a cluster.
i.e. dogs have the same, but when happy and in their natural state they tend to have one feeling at a time, one thought at a time, one idea at a time. They are very clear and focused in that moment in time. Horses and cats are similar, with very slight variations. Human beings (more self-aware consciousnesses), on the other hand, tend to over complicate matters.
Making things more complex for more self-aware consciousness’s, is that they tend to have many more complex thought/feeling clusters happening (simultaneously and often at different levels). Most have many complex thought clusters living in us, like galaxies within the universe – there’s one here happening in your higher consciousness field, one there in the background and another over there deep underground, and they don’t all look the same although they may all look at the same stuff more or less and relate to each other in some fashion. Our job is to understand what they are, where do they come from, why am I feeling them, why am I thinking these things, how do they rate against other things that I am thinking and feeling about, what can I do about these things?
THE ANSWER IS THAT UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND SOMETHING OF YOURSELF – NOTHING! You then simply get to go for a ride – you don’t necessarily control anything.
In complex thought / feelings processes there are also interaction with other such clusters as I am trying to explain – sometimes in harmony and often in disharmony, to the point of profound internal conflict and confusion. So you can have this thought cluster feeling (some of it conscious, some of it pre-conscious, some of it subconscious) and that thought cluster feeling (some of it conscious, some of it pre-conscious, some of it subconscious) and they might be in total disagreement with each other. Now you don’t know what is going on. These are the conditions, in extreme form, of bipolar. But for most people it just causes confusion.
Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance, but they are identifying with though matter. There is an emotional component present and it can be an underlying, deeper than emotion, vibrational dissonance between two aspects of Self. The clearest example of such would be people who have asymmetrical formations – especially in their face (which may sound utterly weird to you). When you look at a face, you will see that, if you split the face down the middle and look at the two halves separately, you will see that it features two different aspects of that being. The greater the symmetry between the different aspects of the face, the greater the integration in the Soul in this incarnation. So the “bones” of you reflects the depth of you and the more superficial aspects reflect your life experiences.
Like icebergs, thoughts and feelings are only partly apparent in normal consciousness, with the majority of their internal components being “under water” and therefor unseen in the pre-conscious and subconscious realms.
So you cannot leave those dark issues and experiences – you will never own yourself completely until you have shone the light thereon (find them, acknowledge them and bring it into the Light). Though it is difficult, you will be much empowered in the process…….”
Personal remark: Little wonder most every Sacred Text instructs: “Know Thyself”. May I add that the Inward Journey, albeit a somewhat difficult journey that requires much courage, is a wonderfully rewarding, empowering and utterly liberating journey. And once on it, you are not going to want to turn back 🙂